Hello! I'm

Nhan Tran!

I am currently senior at U of I Laboratory Highschool with a keen interest in programming and design. Outside of school, I am usually doing things for CTRLZ, Playing games, practicing archery, or playing tennis.

I joined Archery club in Uni High but the club eventually dissolved so I often practice by myself or I invite some friends to shoot with me. I grew up playing video games and it always been my way of passing the time, and it influences the fact that I want to become part of a game development team to create something fun and amazing for everyone to enjoy.

I also enjoy helping my friends study. I like teaching people and helping them do well. The two subject I usually would help people out in is physic and math. In turn, I often reinforce my own ability in math and physic and also push my self to learn other things because they sometimes do ask oddly specific question or about an area that I do not know that would push me to research it myself. Being the nervous wreck that I am on exams and tests, I need all the practice I can get for those subjects.

I am currently looking at computer science + math or statistics, or computer science + game design as my potential majors.